"I don’t think we’ll ever know all there is to know about gardening, and I’m just as glad there will always be some magic about it!"

Barbara Damrosch

 home’s landscaping

Updating your home’s landscaping is a great way to increase the value of your property and create outdoor spaces for relaxing and entertaining. Unique ideas here will make your garden fit for a king

Landscape design is an independent profession and a design and art tradition, practised by landscape designers, combining nature and culture. In contemporary practice, landscape design bridges the space between landscape architecture and garden design.

Raccoon evidence of intrusion should be easy for homeowners to determine. There are many different ways to know if raccoons have taken up residence on your property or are feasting on your harvest. Read through the following techniques to help you recognize some prevalent types of evidence of intrusion.

Raccoon Evidence of Intrusion- Tracks

Raccoons, as a medium sized mammal, can leave very well defined tracks. The rear paw print looks much like a small human foot print and will measure about three (3) to four (4) inches long with five visible toes. The front prints will be smaller measuring only two (2) to three (3) inches long and have five visible toe prints, too.

The best places to look for raccoon evidence of intrusion are in soft or wet soils along culverts, fence lines and the trails of other animals. Don’t forget to look along the sides of buildings where they may be climbing up to gain entrance such as fire escapes and downspouts.

Raccoon Evidence of Intrusion-Scratch Marks on Trees

The raccoon is an excellent climber and has the sharp non-retractable claws and long toes to help. If you have raccoons in your yard evidence of their presence may be as simple as inspecting the trunks of trees for claw marks.

Raccoon Evidence of Intrusion-Noises on Roof

Are you hearing shuffling sounds in your walls or noises on the roof? This could be a sign that raccoons have found a way to get into your home.

Raccoon Evidence of Intrusion-Scat

The most obvious evidence of raccoons may well be their scat, or droppings. Droppings are usually three (3) to five (5) segmented inches (crumbly). They have flat ends and will have pieces of their dinner contained within. Look for raccoon scat near the base of trees, on logs or, worst case, in your house. WARNING: Raccoon scat can contain eggs of the roundworm which, when inhaled by humans, can cause serious illness.

Raccoon Evidence of Intrusion-Wear Marks and Hair on Rough Edges

Knowing where to look for evidence of intrusion can be just as important as knowing what to look for. Knowing that the raccoon has a lot of fur leads one to the inevitable conclusion that if he travels through areas often enough dirt and oil from their fur will begin to rub off and leave marks. Look for fur and dirt marks along wood and rough surfaces.

Look for wear marks, body oil, and hairs on wood and other rough surfaces, particularly around the edges of den entrances. The den’s entrance hole is usually at least 4 inches high and 6 inches wide.

Raccoon Evidence of Intrusion-Sounds

Raccoons make over 51 different sounds. The most common, and the ones to listen for, are low growls and snarls they’ll make when fighting over the bounty they’ve found in your garbage cans.

Raccoon Evidence of Intrusion-Fruits and Vegetables Gone
If you have corn stalks that are broken with ears that are partially eaten this is a sure sign that raccoons have been in your garden for dinner. Other evidence of intrusion includes watermelons that have been hollowed out by the little bandit digging a small hole and stealing the insides with their hands, or tomatoes gone missing.

Raccoon Evidence of Intrusion-Chicken Coup Invasion

If raccoons have been into your chicken coup there will be several signs of intrusion. Much to the chagrin of owners, the chickens are often killed by raccoons by being beheaded. Heads will be found far from the partially eaten bodies. Smaller chickens may be killed by raccoons reaching through the wire and trying to pull them back through. Look for missing legs and feet. Missing eggs or egg shells on the ground may be found as well.

Raccoon Evidence of Intrusion-Chicken Coup Invasion

When raccoons decide to eat with the birds, your birdfeeder may not be able to stand the weight of the raccoon, or worse, this agile creature may just remove the feed from the stand and destroy it on the ground.

Raccoon Evidence of Intrusion-Garbage Can Overturned

Raccoons are very fond of the occasional left over and normally make no secret of it. Overturned garbage cans, torn garbage bags and inedible trash strewn across your yard are sure signs that raccoons have come for dinner while you were sleeping.

Raccoon Evidence of Intrusion-Pet Food Missing

Pets seem a little hungrier than usual? Maybe they are sharing their food with raccoons. The little bandits will not hesitate to steal a good meal from your pet’s dish left out of doors over night.

Raccoon populations tend to be higher closer to human populations. They like to share in our homes, gardens, poultry and even our trash. This allows for a numerous ways to find raccoon evidence of intrusion.