"I don’t think we’ll ever know all there is to know about gardening, and I’m just as glad there will always be some magic about it!"

Barbara Damrosch

 home’s landscaping

Updating your home’s landscaping is a great way to increase the value of your property and create outdoor spaces for relaxing and entertaining. Unique ideas here will make your garden fit for a king

Landscape design is an independent profession and a design and art tradition, practised by landscape designers, combining nature and culture. In contemporary practice, landscape design bridges the space between landscape architecture and garden design.

  • In 2005 it was estimated that the United States had 6 million house cats and 6 million feral cats.
  • In 2005 it was estimated that Britain had 7 million house cats and 1 million feral cats.
  • In 2005 it was estimated that Australia had 18 million Feral cats.
  • Cats were introduced to Australia in the 18th century with deliberate release into the wild in 19th century to control rodent populations.
  • According to a 2007–2008 National Pet Owners survey conducted by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association cats have passed dogs as the most popular pet in the United States.
  • Lost or abandoned house cats can be considered feral after only several months on their own.
  • Cats have excellent sight. This can be attributed to a reflective layer in the retina that allows for excelling night vision.
  • Cats can hear sounds up to about 65 kHz, well above the limit of human hearing.
  • They are fast and agile, can jump many times their body length and are excellent climbers. 
  • The claws of Feral cats are retractable keeping them very sharp since they are not always out to dull by being walked on.
  • While house cats are usually solitary, Feral cats will form small to large colonies in areas where food sources are clustered, such as garbage dumps and highly populated urban areas. 
  • In areas with concentrations of free-ranging domestic cats a sort of hierarchy is formed. Newcomers must go through a series of fights with resident animals before their position in the hierarchy is established.
  • Female wild cats may teach their young how to capture prey by bringing them injured animals on which to practice.
  • In unrestrained domestic cat populations, female cats typically stay in their area of birth while males leave their area of birth and attempt to establish a home range elsewhere.
  • Feral cats may carry a number of diseases that have the potential to be transmitted to humans, including rabies, cat-scratch fever, and several parasitic infections.
  • Feral cats are responsible for population declines and extinctions of many species of birds and mammals, particularly those restricted to islands.
  • Efforts to control populations of domestic cats that have been introduced to islands cost many thousands of dollars to those governments, and cost us all valuable parts of global biodiversity.
  • Most wild cats are preyed upon as young cats by larger predators, such as foxes, wolves, other cats, and large birds of prey, such as owls and hawks.
  • The first national Feral cat organization, Alley Cat Allies, was formed 1990.
  • Several control methods have been introduced, however, the most humane is the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) method and is gaining popularity among municipalities and governments.