Mole diet is based on the fact that they are insectivores eating insects and worms and other creatures it finds in the soil. Contrary to what many believe moles do not feed on roots and bulbs. Moles have a very physical existence constantly digging through the soil to get the foods they prefer. Not surprisingly, working so hard cause a very demanding appetite illustrated most aptly by their ability to eat food equal to 70% to 100% their weight every day. Their appetite is so incredible that in scientific tests of captive moles they will continue to eat, and eat, as long as they are provided with food that they like. In fact, it has been shown that moles will eat nearly 50 pounds of earthworms in year. In their never ending quest for food they may even leave the sanctity of their underground burrows which is the where they may run into their short list of predators.
Mole Diet-Food
Living most specifically underground, the mole diet consists only of a select number of foods. All species enjoy earthworms best, but will also partake in the less meaty delicacies of insects and spiders. They will eat slugs, snails and even go after yellow jacket wasps that nest underground. Beetles and centipedes are eaten, as well, and ants are eaten only as last resort. But the most important part of their diet where homeowners are concerned is the common lawn grub. The Star-Nosed Mole will take to the water and eat small fish insects, mollusks and crustaceans.
Mole Diet-Physical Attributes
Moles have a great many physical attributes that allow them to partake in the underground treats that represent the bulk of the mole diet. Moles have poor vision, but they have an excellent sense of smell that allows them to find their next meal. The Star-Nosed Mole’s fingerlike nostril extensions may even detect electrical signals that their underwater prey may be emitting making them easier to catch and consume.
Mole Diet-Benefits and Detriments to Humans and the Ecosystem
The mole diet is for the most part very beneficial to humans and the ecosystem. Their constant and voracious eating habits remove many potentially damaging insects from lawns and gardens include those well known lawn destroyers the grub. Unfortunately, they may uproot a plant or two (2) during the process and the surface feeding tunnels are almost never a welcome site for homeowners.
Leaving their tunnels only in rare instances for most species, the underground world that the animal lives provides plenty of food to appease the constant needs of the mole diet.