"I don’t think we’ll ever know all there is to know about gardening, and I’m just as glad there will always be some magic about it!"

Barbara Damrosch

 home’s landscaping

Updating your home’s landscaping is a great way to increase the value of your property and create outdoor spaces for relaxing and entertaining. Unique ideas here will make your garden fit for a king

Landscape design is an independent profession and a design and art tradition, practised by landscape designers, combining nature and culture. In contemporary practice, landscape design bridges the space between landscape architecture and garden design.

  • There are 14 species of rabbits in North America
  • Rabbits and Hares are often confused but are actually different species with different physical characteristics.
  • Hares are different from rabbits with respect to size. Hares are larger overall and have rear legs longer than the front legs.
  • Rabbits are hunted for their fur and as a food source
  • Swamp rabbits are the second most hunted rabbit in the United States.
  • Rabbits do not hibernate
  • Rabbits are nocturnal
  • Rabbits and Hares avoid predators by freezing- or not moving at all
  • Rabbits and Hares avoid predators by flushing – moving in a zig zag pattern by moving away.
  • Rabbits and Hares can run at speeds up to 18 miles per hour.
  • Rabbits can swim and climb trees!
  • Snowshoe hares actually change from white to brown fur from winter to spring. The overall change takes about ten (10) weeks to occur.
  • Cottontails breed from February to September.
  • Rabbits have an average of three (3) to four (4) litters per year.
  • Rabbits generally have five (5) babies each litter on average
  • Gestation for rabbits is about 28 days.
  • Female rabbits are called "does"; males are called "bucks."
  • Rabbits do not sweat, but instead radiate body heat from their large ears.
  • Rabbits may live up to two years in the wild, but where predators are numerous they seldom survive more than one year.
  • Cottontails usually hop, but they can leap 10 to 15 feet.
  • When being chased rabbits will jump sideways to break their scent trail.
  • They do not like getting wet but know how to swim if needed.