In North America the only squirrels that are nocturnal are the flying squirrels while the tree and pine squirrels living a primarily diurnal, daytime, lifestyle. Hibernation is not common for squirrels; however, American Red Squirrels who live in the far northern reaches of their range have been known to enjoy a long winter’s nap.
Squirrels are sometimes very vocal and sometimes very quiet. Flying Squirrels are not known for making a lot noise, nor are the Red Squirrels, but the Douglas Squirrel can be quite noisy, especially when they detect approaching danger including predators or if they are fighting over territories. Of the tree squirrels the most vocal is the Eastern Fox Squirrel.
Reproduction varies between the species found in North America, too. For the Flying Squirrel species, the northern species reproduce only once per year with the Southern Flying squirrels mating twice per year. The Red Squirrels living in northing climates mate only in the late winter, but will mate twice per year if they are residing in warmer areas of the continent. Of the tree squirrels, the Eastern Gray and Eastern Fox Squirrels mate twice per year and generally in December and June, but the Western Gray, Arizona Gray, and Aberts Squirrels mate only once per year.
In general North American squirrel species will give birth to as many as eight (8) babies several times per year. The babies are born blind and are dependent on their mothers between two (2) and three (3) months